The 178 Board is an open organization. See below to find out what your Board has been doing!
December 9th 2006
Meeting called to order by President Marv Riedesel at . Present were current board members Paul Gutterman, Verda Gould, Vicky Smith, Mike Cassell, Marsha Devine and advisor Steve Gaynor
Approval of Minutes: Motion to accept by Paul, seconded by Vicky, motion carried.
Financial Report: Given by Marv, motion to accept by Verda, seconded by Marsha, motion carried. There was a discussion on the money market, Vicky will look for a different but better plan.
Blog Report: Peg Kaplan- Pro and Con’s about the blog. Some older people would like the Gopher Newsletter in writing as before..Gus wants one more newsletter, possibly only 4 pages. He suggests that more information be sent to novices and beginners. Marv suggested letting Peg have our camera for more pictures; Also to put in pictures of the Board of Directors with a short story about them. He suggested putting the Board of Directors minutes in the blog. It was suggested to encourage Unit 103 to submit information about their unit.
Education Report: Marv talked to Prior Lake High School Bridge Center
Tournament Reports:
a. 2006 Minnesota State
b. 2007 Gopher Regional: Patti Stuhlman was not present, but sent written report: She has Chairpersons selected for all events.. Mike Flader has recommended for next year Board a Match for flight A players, and offer Barometer to flight B players. This will be taken under advisement.
GN Teams: Paul questioned why we are promoting GN Team games for our Unit. Steve told of a large number of tables at the NAOP pairs. GN team finals will be in Fort Dodge Minnesota
Old Business: The meeting with 103 was discussed, Marv talked to Gus Doty who will bring it up at their next meeting of Unit 103.
New Business:
a. Post finance & minutes on Website with Keith Connolly
b. Leadership report on web site
c. Ask Keith to next meeting
d. Motion by Vicky, seconded by Mike to have a bulletin Board at the Bridge Center
e. Charity game, tabled until next meeting
f. One more issue of the newsletter to advertise Blog. Mike will talk to Peg about old newsletter with information about the Blog & Web Page
g. Keep the Bridge Center
Steve suggested meeting with people who are doing tournaments at other Units, to get new ideas for, location, events, times, hospitality, education. Steve will call a meeting at the next regional
Motion to adjourn: Motion by Verda, seconded by Paul, motion carried.. Meeting adjourned at .
Submitted by acting recorder, Verda Gould
"GN Teams: Paul questioned why we are promoting GN Team games for our Unit. Steve told of a large number of tables at the NAOP pairs. GN team finals will be in"
What does he mean by the NAOP pairs ??
Posted by: neol | January 10, 2008 at 08:36 AM