If a contract makes, doubled and redoubled, it's a BIG number! And - if you think of people who give back to the bridge community, doubled and redoubled - you think of Sharon and Roger Anderson.
For many years, Rog and Sharon have given to the bridge world in a variety of ways. Both have served on the boards of Unit 178 and the Minneapolis Grand Slam Club, they've chair bridge tournaments and worked on committees, and mentored new players. For more years than I can remember, the duo have donned their finest formal wear to host receptions honoring Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs achievers - and more.
In the last year or so, though, the Andersons have added something else to their repertoire: expert "lecture and play" series at their gracious new home. Not many can lay claim to a special room for bridge play right in their own house - but - the Andersons can. Into this fun and fabulous space, they have invited those aspiring to improve their bridge games.
Over several Saturday evenings throughout the year, Sharon and Roger invite local experts to give a lecture on key topics, followed by a bridge game with pre-duplicated hands that follow the lecture's theme. After the play are questions and hand review.
Some of our area's best and brightest, like Cindy and Bob Balderson, Kerry Holloway, Mike Flader and others have generously offered their time and expertise at the Anderson-fests. Even famous gone-but-not-forgotten experts like Steve Garner have participated! Assisting as Director in Charge we usually find indispensable Larry Oakey. Unit 178's President, Marv Riedesel, helps coordinate. And - needless to say, if you know Sharon and Rog, a mountain of pot-luck fabulous food and treats accompany every evening.
This past Saturday, Phil Schwarz offered a lecture on counting. Chock full of tidbits about counting distribution and points, all centered around lucky number "13", Phil's talk provided a wealth of useful advice.
If you've attended one of the Andersons' lecture series, you know how fun and informative they can be. To the experts and people contributing to the series - particulary Sharon and Roger - a very, very big THANK YOU!