A. She just got back from Bermuda.
B. A condo is reserved for her in Tahiti for the rest of February.
C. All her assets are invested in road salt.
OR - Rebecca Anspach just became a Life Master!
Actually - if you guessed "A", you are also correct. Keith Connolly, Rebecca's partner and good friend, told me that he and Rebecca attended the Bermuda Regional to enjoy warm weather. On the last day of the tournament, Rebecca's 29th birthday coincidentally, she and Keith earned enough for her to "go over." For the week, Rebecca scooped up 19.5 masterpoints.
Keith reports that the regional was marvelous, with awesome hospitality, high tea, great snacks and even better folks. Section tops were awarded, along with registration prizes and a gold plate dinner at the end.
Our congratulations to this lady, who has now secured "the" title that all bridge players yearn to earn!