The ACBL sends our unit regular reports about unit membership.
We currently have 837 members, with an average age of 66 years and 6 months. (That makes us the youngest unit in District 14.) On average, our unit's players have belonged to the ACBL for 20.21 years. We have gained 200 new members in the last three years.
New members include both people new to the ACBL and ACBL members who have moved into our unit. Of course, we also lose members, primarily to death and to some heading for sunnier climes.
Building membership in the ACBL is critical to the long term health of duplicate bridge. The unit board is always looking for ways to attract and hold new bridge players. To that end, we urge all veteran players to be friendly to newcomers, to participate in events that include novice players, and to encourage people to discover this wonderful game.
Sue Jackson, Unit 178 President