One aspect of bridge that separates the excellent players from the fair-to-middling is the ability of the former to read the cards.
This week, John Koch focuses on the talents of one of our neighbors to the east. Here is WUMBA's Art Flashinski at the helm.
John points out that Art is the winner this year for most masterpoints won in Wisconsin-Upper Michigan sectionals.
With skills like these - no one should be surprised!
I agree that BOTH MN units would do well to establish a trophy similar to the one in WUMBA.
It is also too bad that Unit 149 and the MN units cannot get together on their schedule as for the 2nd year in a row there were MANY players (including myself) who would have participated in both the La Crosse and the MN State sectionals held this past weekend.
Posted by: Steven Gaynor | November 07, 2012 at 01:49 PM
Nothing succeeds like success. Nevertheless, the percentage play is to run the heart ten. When Hx is onside, nearly 12% of the time you pick up the suit for only 1 loser. Playing the ten to the Ace is not even considered by the SuitPlay program, a single dummy suit analyzer.
Posted by: Mike Cassel | November 12, 2012 at 11:01 PM