Tuesday, May 20th saw a wide variety of events, treats and a special welcome for special guests. Mike Cassel's bulletin is below. As always, Mike has provided us with a tremendous amount of information plus results from all the various events.
Our own Cindy Balderson and Carole Miner, who represented the United States last December with Lynn Deas and Disa Eythorsdottir, held a dinner Tuesday honoring the bridge stars. Co-Chairman Sue Jackson offered a lovely introduction to Lynn and Disa.
Those in attendance had loads of fun learning about these two champions, enjoying the fabulous food that Cindy and others had prepared - plus, as always, talking about bridge hands and triumphs and catastrophes.
Our thanks to Cindy and Carole for their efforts in organizing Lynn and Disa's attendance this year at the Gopher!
Of course, today, Wednesday the 21st, more great bridge is just waiting for you! See you soon at the Gopher!