Sometimes, in addition to working tirelessly for us, our tournament co-chairmen are able to play bridge, too!
Today is the last official day of the Gopher Regional 2014. We're looking forward to a great turnout for the Swiss events - and hope that all of you have enjoyed the many events and excellent hospitality throughout the week.
A bit "thank you" to tournament co-chairmen Patti Stuhlman and Sue Jackson and all the great volunteers who worked both at our tournament and long in advance to make the Gopher special.
Of course, Mike Flader and his fine directing staff deserve a round of applause for their efforts throughout the week - along with our pleasant and speedy caddies. Mike Cassel, along with Cathy and Bob Sigafus were stupendous with our daily bulletins.
And, we are especially grateful to Cindy Balderson and Carole Miner. After their exceptional bridge experience in China, their creativity brought Lynn Deas and Disa Eythorsdottir to the Gopher for lessons, dates and much more.
Finally - thanks to all of you for choosing to play at the Gopher. It's always a treat to see old friends - and welcome new ones.
Have a great time today in our final events!
And, of course, we do hope that many players here will continue on through Monday for the District 14 Grand National Team finals! Compete against your peers in your flight - and - win a subsidized trip to Las Vegas in July!