Without a doubt, bridge is the best mind game there is. Always challenging, always fascinating, always new, always thrilling - bridge has so very much to recommend it.
Yet, despite all these fine attributes, something else is even better about bridge: its people. The people who play bridge are in a class all their own. Smart, fun, creative, competitive - and, most of all - wonderful friends.
When I put up this post about Peder Langestmo's recent achievement in becoming a Platinum Life Master, I did think many would enjoy reading about Peder's success. Yet, I was gladdened to see the very many comments posted on the announcement. Not only were people happy for Peder's success - they were so grateful for his partnership and team support and sportsmanship and friendship.
We who have enjoyed this great game for decades know how incredible it is. Still - even more special are the people who love the game.
I am terrifically grateful for the most marvelous friends I have met through bridge. Thank you to all for your friendship, your support, your giving and all the rest that goes with it.
Are we lucky - or what?!