Today is Larry Oakey Day at the Gopher Regional. We are all thrilled to be honoring one of the most special, most giving and most talented players ever to grace the game of bridge in Minnesota.
When asked to say a few words about Larry, here is what your webmaster had to say.
If every day of the year were declared “Larry Oakey Day” – we would still not have enough days to honor this man.
In every way, TGLO “The Great Larry Oakey” is a living legend in Minnesota. Larry’s abilities as a player are enormous.
In 1978, Larry and teammates were 2nd in the tough Men’s B-A-M Teams. Perennially, Larry has been competitive at all levels, from national to local. He is recognized as one of the top players ever in our state.
Yet, in addition to being a fabulous player, Larry has “given back” to our game in every way possible. Not only is Larry an able and lightning fast director, he volunteers daily in a myriad of ways. Also, Larry has partnered players of all levels, including beginners – a gift to so many.
I cannot write about Larry without sharing my own enormous gratitude to him. My good fortune to have Larry as a number of years as my regular partner, mentor and friend. Poor Larry; he is so good, he can’t understand how the rest of us can’t come close to playing at his level!
Thank you from all of us, Larry, from the bottom of our hearts!
Peg Kaplan
Everyone loves Larry
Posted by: Virginia Adams | May 27, 2016 at 10:09 AM
Speaking as the first partner and teammate of TGLO going back to 1964, I can only
second Peggy's comments. Larry is the most talented natural bridge player from MN that I have played with or against and the list of former MN bridge players is very
I only wish that he played more now than he does.
Posted by: Ron DeHarpporte | May 27, 2016 at 12:58 PM
I had the honor of saying a few words about Larry prior to the beginning of the Larry Oakey Pairs today. The applause for TGLO (The Great Larry Oakey) was boisterous and went on and on - as people gave Larry a standing ovation. All most deserving. In addition to what Ron says about Larry's abilities as a bridge player... his great heart and giving to the bridge community is equally awesome.
Posted by: Peg | May 27, 2016 at 10:57 PM