For many decades, The Minneapolis Grand Slam Club has been "the" place to play for Twin City experts and aspiring competitors. Steve Garner, Howie Weinstein, Joe Grue, Jim Hall, Eddie Kantar - and many other elite players honed their games at the MGSC.
May 20th was the last night for the 2015-2016 MGSC season. A good crowd turned out, first for a fine buffet dinner - followed by a year end MGSC meeting, awards presentation and - of course! - an evening of bridge.
President Dave Neiman did an excellent job leading our meeting. Congratulations to all event winners - and thanks both to those who contributed to the fun last evening celebration plus director Tony Ames, board members, treat providers and others who make the Club so fun.
The MGSC party is a great kick-off event for Monday's upcoming Gopher Regional. In fact, Mike Cassel introduced us to a visitor at the party who traveled all the way from China! Wayne Chu will be playing with Mike at the Gopher!
Here we are, doing what we all love: great food, great company and an Individual to top it all off! Kudos to Mark Krusemeyer for nabbing the win!
Roger Anderson's socks! He rocks!
More non-sock photos below.....