Jim Snyder became a Life Master today. People become Life Masters at various times, often at a tournament.
But becoming Life Master in your home club is fun!
Jim is a busy man. He has an active family life, served as a long-term Credit Union Board President, even served on our club board. He’s a strong intermediate player. But Jim just couldn’t get himself to the Gopher regularly to get that much-coveted gold.
Several years ago along comes the Jane Johnson Club Appreciation month, where players get 5% gold in team games. Jim got some more gold and was pretty close.
Last year Jim and his wife vacationed in Hawaii during almost all of October. When he returned we said, “You missed all but one of the team games!” He said, “I will play in that last game. I still need .13 gold.”
As the day progressed, we watch his team do pretty well. During the last round it looked like second place would do the job. Amazingly, his team prevailed, got 1st in B and 2nd in A, totaling 2.24 black and - are you ready for this - .12 gold!!!
Today, with almost the same teammates as last year, they won the first round of Club Appreciation Swiss.
Thus, Jim Snyder became a Bronze Life Master. Congratulations, Jim!