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« Collegiate Bridge Achievements in Minnesota! | Main | Collegiate Competition »

March 04, 2018


John Crouch

How is it determined that one has the requisite current nexus with the State of Minnesota to be listed in the Top 100?
In this regard, I notice that Surya Shaw, who I believe is resident in Florida, is on the list.


John, ACBL allows someone who is a member of a unit to stay there forever. So yes, although Surya Shaw has lived in Florida for some time, she can elect to still be a member of one of our units.

ACBL rules; not mine!

John Crouch

Hello Peggy:

The list could be what we want it to be. We could have a the Top 50 Woman and a
50 Men.
We can also have a list of the Top 100 players who reside in Minnesota. I think that such would serves better our Minnesota bridge community than a list that focuses on those
who resided in Minnesota when they joined the ACBL.
Congratulations on being on the top of these for many consecutive years.


Hi John -

Thank you for your comments.

Since our list consists of our 103 and 178 members, we really must list the top 100 masterpoint holders for each year as they are. I would commend talking to the ACBL about their policy; it is the League that makes the rules. (And, by the way, I agree with you that people who are listed with a certain unit should live in that geographical area for at least some period of the year!)

I do not generate the lists; ACBL does. I do make sure that people are indeed members of our units, and that they are still with us and have not passed on. Otherwise - if you've earned it, you are there!

And - thank you for your kind comment, too, John. My good fortune to have been blessed with such stupendous partners AND teammates over the years!

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