Many Minnesotans are aware that we have two superb schools in our state where our great game is enjoyed by up and coming college students: University of Minnesota and Carleton College.
Not only are these students learning and enjoying the greatest mind game ever - they are performing quite admirably, too!
The most recent College Bridge Online Tournament was held on November 15th. We are so proud that one of our Carleton students finished second, earning an Amazon gift card prize.
We are also most impressed that Carleton College and University of Minnesota finished 3rd and 4th overall in average scores. Those participating in the College Initiative are from an array of impressive and high performing institutions. Thus students from our great state are shining brightly in tough competition!
We'd like to send congratulations to our high achievers - and wish all of our bridge students the best as they continue to learn more and more about our fascinating game.
In addition, big thanks to Carleton President Sophia Maymudes and Erica Helgerud. Both were very helpful in sending me the photos below of Carleton students learning and loving bridge!
(Please note that I have no current U of MN photos. Class will start in 2020 and I will be sure to get myself and my camera over to the U to take photos of this year's students! And as always, my thanks to Honors Dean Matthew Bribitzer-Stull and the other fine bridge playing professors who are educating dozens of students about The Greatest Game ever!)