As always, big thanks and gratefulness to those who serve on the Unit 178 Board of Directors and contribute so mightily to Minnesota Bridge!
The meeting was called to order by Board President Barb Zipoy.
Board Members Present: John Schlundt, Liz Hughes, Richard Cottle, Kerry Holloway and Cass Weil.
- The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
- Financial Report: Checking and Savings accounts are with Wells Fargo. $17,000 in Savings are indicated. A 5 year CD at 3% is in place. It was agreed to purchase an additional CD for $10,000.
- Tournament Reports:
MN State Sectional at Oak Marsh—Kerry/John
Sunday game was successful—19 teams; 276 total tables (215 last year);
$1,600 profit realized.
The St. Paul chapter will host the tournament next year.
Regional Tournament—Patti looking for additional volunteer help. She
would like more people to stay at the hotel (Crown Plaza).
GNT 2020—4/18, Edina Senior Center—Larry in charge
- Team games at TCBC—Teri will not have team games because they have lost money. Motion: Ask Teri if she would have team games if they were subsidized by the Chapter. Passed.
- E-mail messaging: Judy Hanson continues to do New Member letters.
- Properties: Linda continues to clean Bridgemates.
Old Business
- Promoting the Regional: Issues include flyers, website, Facebook, hotel rooms and more volunteers.
New Business
- Go Fund Me: John Doty has installed new toilets and grab bars on main floor. He will do the same downstairs. Carpet in the basement is next project.
- New Board members: Looking for new members for July. Board members will ask around.
- Motion to give Carol Ann a gift card in the amount of $100 for filling in at TCBC and other tournaments. Passed. Liz will present it.
- Peg Kaplan’s Blog: Changing the name, more writers needed. Kerry will talk with her.
Next Meeting
Thursday, January 9 at 9:00.