Throughout Minnesota and the rest of the world, bridge players are bemoaning the inability to go to the club (or the tournament or the world championships) - and play bridge with their favorite partner and teammates. Yet - we have an opportunity to make "lemonade out of lemons."
What does that have to do with bridge? This. Every day, there are a multitude of bridge games going on at BridgeBase Online. If you want to play against friends, join a speedball tournament, set up an event of your own or sign up for one of the very many tournaments available literally 24 hours a day - you can do it! And - even if you're not terrifically familiar, once you start you'll learn the ropes and have a great time.
A couple of nights ago, I decided to watch the tournament that Grand Life Master Walt Schafer (from Iowa and now California) cleverly has arranged for people every night. It's a "star" Swiss pair competition, with pairs playing usually between 25-30 boards among one another. (One needn't have a star by their name, yet the event is challenging with a number of Hall of Fame participants in it.)
Walter was playing with another top player, Steve Beatty from Washington, when this interesting hand arose:
J873 A
10 Q76532
982 Q64
KQ432 AJ9
West passed, Steve (north) opened 1S and east chimed in with 2H. Walter, never one to be shy, doubled showing the minors. After a pass from west, Steve added up his values and strength and jumped to 3NT.
East chose to lead a heart. The contract looks doomed, does it not? After the opening lead, a club shift will be obvious.
But.... wait.
After the 4th best heart lead, dummy followed, west played his stiff 10 - and Steve won.... the king!
Steve now played a diamond to dummy and ran his 10 of spades. East won the ace, perforce - and not realizing Steve's brilliancy at trick one - led another heart! Steve was now able to win the NINE in dummy and hook a spade. When the smoke cleared, Steve had taken 3 spade tricks, FOUR heart tricks and his two diamonds.
This is how you turn disaster into treasure - or - lemons into lemonade!
If you like, try your hand at playing virtually at Bridge Base Online. Games around the clock; all sorts of events with various levels of ability available.
Here's to fun online and exciting hands like this one! Thanks, Steve and Walter!