Bridge offers a wealth of fun, fascination, learning, friendships - and sometimes WINNING! And part of all this (plus plenty more) is a function of bridge being unique for each of us.
When I first learned bridge, I was in college in Madison, Wisconsin. I played a myriad of different card games. Oddly enough, bridge was NOT one of them - until some encouraged me to learn a bit. I might have remained in the "oh, I'll play a game or two every few weeks" status. But others "took me on" - and I got hooked.
Some of us have such amazing abilities, their game "clicks" and they become talented "faster than a speeding bullet!" Joey Grue was one of those people. I remember watching him play a hand, get doubled and go down some # of tricks. Had it been me - I might have had some tears after that. Joe? No way! It was on to the next hand. And easy for those more experienced to see that this guy had talent and No Fear!
All of us who have played for some time are aware that abilities can be extremely different from one another. Some - forever - stick to the "game every week or two" crowd - and that satisfied them. Others became more and more intrigued. They'd watch, they'd listen, they'd learn from those who had been playing longer. And their games grew and improved.
The last couple of years, due to Covid - and more - have altered our bridge world more than we might ever have imagined. Yet it doesn't mean that we should forget this fascinating game. Neophite? Frequently winning intermediate? Another player with Grue "DNA" in their blood? Whatever works well for our players - they should keep on!
I'd love to see many of us express their feelings about a game that has intrigued millions for ages. Have stories that thrilled you to no end? Did you become a Life Master - or a Grand Life Master? Did one of the most exciting aspects of bridge grab you - a WIN?!
Whether you are someone starting to stick their toes into this fascinating yet sometimes frustrating and challenging - or someone who has done so amazingly well, you are known around the world - realize this. The game can be what YOU want it to be - which includes a lifetime of blasts! And if you wish to do so, we'd love to hear YOUR experiences about this amazing game! Please drop me a line - and grab your stories for those who are learning - and may one day end up a super star, too!