Be Happy!
Enjoy Bridge!
I still recall when I began playing bridge. It surely was fun. But I had a drive to White Bear Lake to play with my husband's uncle. And although he was a good player, I was a rookie who didn't know too much at all. So between lots of driving every couple of weeks to go to and from the west to the east, I had fun but surely didn't have much upstairs in the way of bridge mastery.
As time went by, friends, both from Minnesota and my home town, Chicago, were
a delight with whom to play and learn. But boy; I sure had a lot I needed to somehow get out of "entry level" bridge! That being said, people here and there were so nice, so helpful - and so fun - I began to learn more. And enjoy more.
I also learned this - which to this day I think is important and that we need to focus on it more. What is it? It's that bridge players are NOT born equal!
For some, playing at local games, at someone's home, or just a party is loads of fun. Others? They want to learn a lot from those who have played more. So they listen and learn - and their games improve! Especially when more experienced players help their friends.
And then we get to the experts - and super stars. Please note that having a poor game necessarily means you are not such a good player. Even those who have loads of accolades for decades have errors, "forgets" - and end up with REALLY a bad result! That actually, in some respects, demonstrates how fun - and also how challenging and tough bridge is!
Yet - the true "bottom line" is that, irrespective of great ability, talent, knowledge - or just a game with buddies... The game itself is something we can enjoy as long as we have breath in our bods! Here's to everyone loving bridge - irrespective of the details!