Is there a more fascinating game than bridge? As far as I am aware, the answer is a
resounding "No"! Yet in reality, bridge can be varied - in many respects - for a wide variety of players.
When I was in college at Madison, Wisconsin, that was when I became addicted to cards. Yet oddly, I loved a host of card games - with bridge NOT being one of them! Friends taught me some rudimentary aspects of bridge, so I'd play a bit. Later, I came to Minnesota, with a similar trajectory... A game of bridge every 2 to 3 weeks - with stars - and beginners like myself.
Despite falling on my face many times, I began to play more and learn more. Then - the big thrill. My Aunt Rosy, having a tournament in Oklahoma, invited me to attend! She had friends for me every day - and we made it to the overalls throughout! It became the first - and last - time that my masterpoint holding tripled! The biggest thrill, however, was when we played on Sunday against Jim Jacoby's team. We WON!! We headed out for fun afterwards, with Mike Passel claiming that Aunt Rosy was the world's oldest living teenager - and now in her 90's, Aunt Rosy still is!
Bridge has changed in many ways over the years. Yet people can enjoy the game, whether they are super stars - or folks who play here and there, with simple systems and more chatting and fun instead. Whether you are 15 or 50, a beginner or a casual player, creative or a Grand Life Master - bridge can deliver a lifetime of both learning, triumph - and sometimes disaster.
Is bridge the greatest game around? You betcha! Just ask Aunt Rosy and Bob Hamman - and you will fall in love, too!