In so many different ways, bridge has altered over the years.
When I first began to learn, more than a few players were kind enough to help me -
and others who were learning how to play.
Earning a modest number of points could take more than a significant amount of time. Learning overall
ran the gamut from beginners, those who played every couple of weeks - and those who
were newer but pretty darned talented - along with those who were the super stars!
As many of us know today, bridge can remain fairly simple yet fun for some players.
And those who are superlative, able to weigh and calculate far more than the average Joe, and WIN -
generally do achieve the highest honors.
Yet, with more of our players returning to our games with the (thank goodness) varied abilities and enjoyment of the game are indeed helping us to build up and again enjoy. Whether it be those who play more for sociability, or work hard to learn more and achieve far more than when they first began.
Or who truly, almost from the get go, were those with the brilliance, understanding of so much of the game, along with the abilities to achieve to the top - over and over - is wonderful.
I hope it means that bridge - yet again - continues to grow, to delight, to help others and to watch those who do achieve so much - and in turn - help those with lesser skills to grow.
What will happen in the next year or two? Or a decade from now?
Keep your eyes and ears open - and we WILL find out!!!