Are you ready for the holidays? I'm not, but it always seems that I do enjoy this time every year in spite of the little details that I didn't get done. As I get older, it's easier to remember that and to just relax and take a dee[ breath. (Sigh) Isn't the snow beautiful in the sun under a bright blue sky?
Soon it will be January with more exciting bridge to be played.
January Schedule
*Alert* The Edina Senior Center will be closed Friday, Dec 23, through Wednesday, Dec 28, so those games are cancelled. The game on Tuesday, Dec 27, in Studio 1 will take place as usual.
Tony just announced a new game for 0-1000 pairs at 12:45 on Thursdays, starting January 5. The game will be at Studio 1, 6000 South Lyndale Avenue, Minneapolis. Here's another opportunity for us less experienced players to sharpen our skills without having to face the top players -- who are very nice, but who give me soooo many learning opportunities ;-).
The full schedule for January is attached.
Unit 178 Board doings
Did you know that Unit 178 used to be combined with Unit 103, so that all of Minnesota was in the Gopher unit? That was more than 30 years ago, and the reasons for the split are no longer compelling. So some members of the 178 and 103 boards met a couple of weeks ago to consider reunification.
Advantages of combining units include needing fewer volunteers for unit functions including board members, and eliminating some duplication (i.e., 1 treasurer). However there was little enthusiasm for the move because each unit is already rather large, and the trend in the ACBL is to smaller units.
So instead, in 2023, the two units will work together to improve the bridge experience for all MN bridge players, with better communication, and coordinated schedules of games, sectional tournaments, and lessons, and shared resources across the units.
The Unit 178 board did not meet separately in December.
Congratulations to the following members on their recent achievements:
- Junior Master: David Carlsen
- Life Master: Todd Flowerday
- Ruby Life Masters: Bonnie Fellerman, Gary Kippenberg
- Gold Life Master: Sandy Fisher
- Sapphire Life Master: Paul Sitz
- Diamond Life Master: Robert Schachter
Happy Holidays
However you celebrate this time of year, I hope that you are safe and warm, and full of good cheer.