We wish everyone the best - and that their efforts are successful - and fun!
Posted by Peg on July 03, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)
2022 GNT ResultsThe 2022 GNT District finals are completed!14 teams competed for the chance to represent District 14 in Providence, Rhode Island to start the Summer Nationals.4 teams came out on top of their strata.The Superflight will be contested by the team of Kurt Schaeffer, Kerry Holloway, Bob Balderson, and Cindy Balderson.Flight A will be contested by a 6 person team with lots of experience at the national level. Eric Hendrickson, Paul Gutterman, Andrew Caracas, Richard Lawson, Mark Krusemeyer, and Robert Schachter were the winners in Flight A.Flight B finalists are Connie Nelson, James Schnepf, Wayne Reynolds, and Keith Thompson.Flight C winners are David Nelmark, Philip Hayne, Rolf Hoyer, and John Schaefer.Congratulations to our District Winners!
And Good Luck in Providence!Keith ThompsonUnit 103 GNT Coordinator
Posted by Peg on June 27, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Keith Thompson is Unit 103 GNT Coordinator - and we are fortunate to have him. Keith has lots to share with us, for which we are grateful. So I will share with you what Keith views as the good and bad (no "ugly" from Keith, thanks!)
We appreciate what he is doing - and look forward to what the future brings!
Posted by Peg on June 26, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Keith Reports the Ups and Downs of Bridge
The best experience I had during the recently ended Gopher Regional was seeing all the people I have played with, and against, in one place, and face to face. The social aspect of our game is very important to me, not to mention that it is impossible to feel ‘table presence’ when you play online.
While chatting up all these old friends, one question kept getting repeated. “Keith” I heard, “ What is the status of the Grand National Teams?” So I will tell it to you here, so that everyone will know, that there is good news and there is bad news.
First the bad news. There were so few teams registered for the Grand National Teams this year that a semifinal wasn’t necessary to cut down on the field. That is not the sort of news I like to relate. I think that team games are a true test of bridge skill. It always amazes me that people who compete in pairs games are unwilling to test their mettle in the team arena. Just like you trust your partner in a pairs game, you trust your teammates in a team game, to help you best the opponents over a set number of boards. Team games are fun! You don’t need individual heroics to save a match, you can count on your teammates to salvage a push. And you don’t need to berate yourself or your partner when things go south, all four of you can share responsibility for a bad result! So you have many opportunities to show your character.
But how about the good news? Well, the good news is related to the bad news. Because so few teams registered for the GNT semifinals, there is opportunity for more teams to enter before the finals commence on Saturday, June 18. We have openings for two Flight A teams to enter, and one more Flight C team. The Open Flight and the B Flight both have 4 teams registered, and these teams will face off that Saturday to determine the two teams to play for entry to the Nationals in Providence, Rhode Island.
The Director in Charge, Kimberly Hayward, has informed me that she will accept 3 more teams, on a first-come, first-entered system, to fill out the ‘A’ and ‘C’ flights.
Here is an abbreviated version of the Conditions of Contest, for anyone who wishes to attempt to win a subsidized trip to the Nationals to play for District 14. Players should know that there are subsidies from the Units to help you get to the Nationals, and you will have free entry to the GNT sessions.
The Providence NABC starts on July 13, 2022
Strata are determined by your Sept.1, 2021 master point total, so any points earned after that date will not affect your eligibility for a flight.
Flight A no more than 6000 masterpoints
Flight C must be a non life master under 500 masterpoints
Players must be paid up ACBL members with principle residence in District14 as of a year previous to Sept.1
A player must have played in a qualifying team game during the September through March qualification period (or the Unit 178 Last Chance Qualifier in May)
Are You Qualified? To find out: check this link
Or: Go to the ACBL main page
Go down to Club Corner
Go down to Special Events
Go over to GNT COC/Qualifiers
Under GNT Qualifiers click on District 14
Any questions contact Keith Thompson, Unit 103 GNT Coordinator [email protected]
If you have a team of qualified players, this is what you do next:
Teams need to register at their earliest convenience as this is first-come, first-entered. Please register by emailing names, emails and BBO names for all players to [email protected]. Each team will pay a fee of $60 for the first day of the finals in June, and the two final teams $60 for the final. These fees are payable to District 14 GNT and should be mailed c/o Kimberly Hayward, Bridge Center of St Paul, 2603 6th Ave E, N St Paul, MN 55109.
The Finals to determine each flight's representation for the NABC will take place on the weekend of June 18 and 19, with two 26-board segments between the contending teams on Saturday to determine the two teams which will compete on Sunday.
The winner of the finals of each event will represent District 14 in Providence, RI at the NABC July 13- 17.
Good luck to all!
Posted by Peg on June 07, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Edina Senior Center
5280 Grandview Square
Fridays - 12:45pm
18TH - GNT Qualifier and Practice ($8)
25TH - Stratified Pairs ($6)
1ST - Stratified Pairs ($6)
8TH - Swiss Teams Fundraiser ($7)
15TH - Sectional at Clubs ($8)
22ND - IMP Pairs Club Championship ($6)
Directors & Partners - Tony Ames
Special Event Sunday, March 20TH - 1PM
Please bring something good to share!
On-Line "Last Chance Qualifier & Practice"
Thursday March 31ST - 6:30PM
Proof of Covid vaccination must be provided.
You can email a copy of your vaccination card to
[email protected] or bring it to your first game.
Posted by Peg on March 15, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday’s Grand National Team Game
And Our Thanks to John Koch
For Sharing the Exciting Finale!
Tony Ames held a Grand National Team qualifier at Edina this past Sunday and the Balderson team narrowly edged the Grue team, 113 to 108. The key hand in the Balderson-Grue head-to-head was a well-timed decision by Terry Beckman to balance at the two level with a four-card suit. Here is Board 13:
♠ A K J 3 Kerry Koch Joey Terry
♡ K 9 5 4 1♡ Pass 1NT Pass
♢ 9 5 4 2♣ Pass 2♡ 2♠!
♣ K 2 All Pass
Not many would risk hazarding a vulnerable two-level overcall with a four-card suit. Terry inferred that his partner was short in hearts and therefore likely to have length in spades. Partner did have four spades and a singleton heart. It ended in a 7-IMP gain.
Paul Meerschaert advises his partners to be reluctant in taking sacrifices against freely bid games and slams unless the expected loss will be negligible. Two of our matches were decided by questionable sacrifices. Here was Board 2:
♠ A 8 7 5 3 2
♡ K Q 9
♢ J
♣ A 10 9
♠ 6 ♠ J 10
♡ 7 6 5 3 ♡ J 8 4
♢ A 10 6 5 4 ♢ Q 9 8 3 2
♣ Q 7 2 ♣ J 6 4
♠ K Q 9 4
♡ A 10 2
♢ K 7
♣ K 8 5 3
Vulnerable against not, South at both tables opened one notrump and West overcalled two diamonds, promising diamonds and a major. At our table, North-South found their spade fit, invoked Roman Keycard, and settled in five spades.
At the other table, Bob and Cindy Balderson reached six spades. East, however, detected a five-five diamond fit and played partner for slightly better cards, and took the seven diamond save. This was doubled and went for 1,700. (The defenders grumbled for about two seconds that they passed up on the 2,000). This was 14 IMPs, and more than offset our side’s failure to reach a grand slam on the previous hand.
Later in the round, Board 16 showed up:
♠ 8 5 3
♡ K 6 5 3
♢ 6 3
♣ Q J 8 5
♠ K 6 4 2 ♠ A Q J 10 9
♡ A 4 2 ♡ 10 9 7
♢ 7 5 4 2 ♢ A Q 9 8
♣ 4 2 ♣ 6
♠ 7
♡ Q J 8
♢ K J 10
♣ A K 10 9 7 3
I was East and I opened one spade. South overcalled two clubs, and Terry bounced into four spades. North, noting the favorable vulnerability, tried five clubs. There was no double, but South had only ten tricks in clubs, while four spades would have been two down.
The lesson of these hands is that unless you are very sure of the relative values of the hands, there is nothing wrong with defending the opponents’ game (or slam) contract.
One last deal deserves discussion—Board 1:
♠ Q 10 4 2
♡ Q J 10 9 5 4
♢ 4
♣ 10 9
♠ A K 7 ♠ 9 3
♡ A K 2 ♡ 7 2
♢ K 7 6 ♢ A Q J 9 5 3
♣ A K J 8 ♣ Q 7 4
♠ J 8 6 5
♡ 8 3
♢ 10 8 2
♣ 6 5 3 2
At our table, North began with a weak two hearts. This was passed around to West, who doubled with his 25-count. East and West were playing Lebensohl, so East’s three diamonds promised eight points or so. West could reasonably visualize 11 tricks and he took what he viewed as a practical leap to six notrump. The queen of clubs and the sixth diamond brought the trick total to 14.
Is there a better approach in dealing with these hands? Yes. When a player has a powerhouse and needs to find something extra, he should cue bid the opponents’ suit. In this instance, the cuebid asks, “Do you have your minimum, or do you have anything more?” In this country, a player announces a minimum by returning to his bid suit. Thus, with ♠Jxx ♡xx ♢AQJxx ♣ xxx, he bids four diamonds.
Many European players are a mite more sophisticated: their negative response after a double and cuebid is a one-step suit, i.e. three spades. Any other bid shows something extra. For example, four diamonds might show ♠Jxx ♡xx ♢AQJxxx ♣ xx, i.e. an extra diamond. The takeout doubler can ask again by cue bidding a second time, i.e. four hearts. This time with the actual hand, ♠xx ♡xx ♢AQJxxx ♣Qxx, East would bid five clubs. The point of all this is that the powerhouse hand does not have to make a unilateral decision on his second bid. All he needs to do is to have confidence that his partner will continue to cooperate in response to his cuebids.
The Brits call the one-step response “Herbert.” In the old days when I was playing a lot with Tony Ames, we used Herbert negatives whenever we doubled and next cue bid. Responder made a “Herbert negative” with up to 3 or 4 points. The powerful hand then scrambled to find a decent landing spot. Responder’s rebid of the major showed five. Consider these hands:
You Partner
♠ K 6 ♠ 8 5 4 3
♡ A 10 4 ♡ 9 7 6 3
♢ A K 6 ♢ 4
♣ A K 10 5 3 ♣ 9 8 7 2
South You North Partner
1♠ Dbl Pass 2♡
Pass 2♠ Pass 2NT
3♣ All Pass
After the cuebid, partner bids the next strain to show a bust. Conventional bidders may get too high here if they have to rebid hearts to deny extras.
You Partner
♠ K Q 8 ♠ 10 9 7 4
♡ A ♡ 8 4 3
♢ A 10 9 3 ♢ K Q 8 5
♣ A K 9 7 5 ♣ 8 4
South You North Partner
1♡ Dbl Pass 1♠
Pass 2♡ Pass 3♢
Pass 4♢ Pass 5♢
All Pass
This time you have questions about spades as the trump suit, so you cue bid the enemy suit. Partner has extras and bids his second suit, leading to a diamond game.
Our best wishes to the Balderson Team
as they battle in the Grand National Teams
We hope everyone enjoyed the fine event
Great seeing everyone - and Thanks for Competing!
Posted by Peg on December 16, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Team # | Names | Strat | Overall | VPS | Wins/Draws | mps | ||
A | B | C | ||||||
9 | Cynthia Balderson Bob Balderson Jr John Koch Terry Beckman |
A | 1 | 113.00 | 7.50 | 1.42 Black | 1.43 Red | ||
3 | Kerry Holloway Joe Grue E Sue Grue Tom Grue |
A | 2 | 108.00 | 6.00 | 1.07 Black | 1.07 Red | ||
2 | Sharon Anderson Roger Anderson Sandy Fisher Paul Meerschaert |
A | 3 | 76.00 | 4.50 | 0.80 Black | 0.80 Red | ||
8 | Joseph Koester Erwin Heisler Gary Knippenberg Dennis Cerkvenik |
A | 4 | 74.00 | 4.00 | 0.60 Black | 0.60 Red | ||
7 | Andrew Caranicas Richard Lawson Paul Gutterman Eric Hendrickson |
A | 5 | 73.00 | 3.00 | 0.16 Black | 0.17 Red | ||
1 | Michael Flader Jill Flader Gene Brandl Del Swanson |
A | 6 | 71.00 | 3.00 | 0.16 Black | 0.17 Red | ||
4 | Judy Nassar John Schlundt Vern Swing Deborah Weiss |
A | 7 | 71.00 | 3.00 | 0.16 Black | 0.17 Red | ||
5 | Tony Ames Mark Krusemeyer John Dunstan Keith Thompson |
A | 8 | 70.00 | 2.00 | 0.11 Black | 0.11 Red | ||
6 | Rolf Hubmayr Marc Ashton Thomas Botten Arne Langsetmo |
C | 9 | 64.00 | 3.00 | 0.16 Black | 0.17 Red |
Posted by Peg on December 15, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Who Could Ask for Anything More!
Posted by Peg on November 15, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Holiday Grand National Team Qualifying!
Sunday - December 12, 2021 - 1PM
Edina Special Holiday Event Features
Our Superbly Talented Guest - Home Town Boy
***Joey Grue!***
Proof of covid vaccination must be provided
A copy of your vaccination card can be emailed to ynotsema@aol
Or bring the vaccination card with you
$8 Per Person - $32 Per Team
Stratified A, B & C
Please bring something good to share if you are able
Reservations Appreciated
Contact Judy Nassar
Posted by Peg on November 12, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Many thanks to Minnesota's Brian Weikle, Director in Charge and Manager, Bridge Operations for excellence in reporting our most recent competition for Grand National Teams in District 14!
Congratulations to those who won the opportunity to compete!
Best wishes to the winning teams as they battle in the National Finals on July 14!
District 14 crowned its 2019-2021 Grand National Teams champions this weekend. A total of thirty teams across four flights entered the competition back in May, with each flight coming down to a four-team Knockout final.
In the Championship flight, the mostly-Minnesotan team captained by Mike Flader (Steve Gaynor, Rich Newell, Barry Purrington) defeated the Twin Cities based squad led by Tony Ames (Judy Nassar, Keith Connolly, Vern Swing) in a closely-fought final match. The Ames team led by 9 IMPs at the half, but a strong third quarter put Flader’s team ahead for good. They held on to win by 22 IMPs in a match that featured strong play at both tables. Records are somewhat incomplete, but I believe only Barry Purrington has previously represented the District at the National level.
In Flight A (0-6000 MPs), the team led by Eric Hendrickson (Paul Gutterman, Richard Lawson, Andy Caranicas, Mark Krusemeyer, Robert Schachter) dominated a group led by Bill Voedisch (Dennis Cerkvenik, Jonathan Cohn, Andrew Clements) by over 100 IMPs. The core of the winning team (Hendrickson/Gutterman and Lawson/Caranicas) have owned this event in recent years, winning in 2013, 2015, 2016 and (also including Krusemeyer/Schachter) 2019. Before graduating to Flight A, at least one member of this team was on the winning Flight B squad every year but one between 2003 and 2011, including a National title in 2010.
In Flight B (0-2500 MPs), the top two teams both qualified for Nationals. The Iowa-based winners were led by Steph Baumann (Dan Walker, James Graves, David Johnson) and defeated Diane Henson’s team (Larry Henson, Mark Lasoff, David Trevor). The Hensons previously represented the District in Flight C in 2007 and 2008.
Finally, Flight C (non-Life Masters under 500 MPs) was won by a St. Cloud area team led by Sue Knauss (Robert Nairn, Dale Larson, Beverly Berg). They held on to edge a Twin Cities squad led by Thomas Botten (Arne Langsetmo, Marc Ashton, Rolf Hubmayr) by 7 IMPs.
Congratulations to all of the winners! The National Final begins on July 14; it will be played online as part of the NAOBC.
Thanks to all of the players who competed this year. Thanks also to our new District GNT Coordinator Jade Barrett, and to the folks at Bridgebase for providing us with a place to play. (Next year, I hope to see you all back at the table!) Thanks especially to Tournament Director Kimberley Hayward, who ran the preliminary rounds in all four flights as well as assisting with the knockout finals.
Brian Weikle, Director-in-Charge
Brian Weikle
Manager, Bridge Operations
ACBL Field Operations
Posted by Peg on June 28, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Those who are still competing in GNT, Open Flight - Flight A - Flight B and Flight C are listed below.
A different world than what we've seen in previous years - yet - of course we wish everyone the best as
they continue their battle! And - big thanks to Kim Hayward for both directing
and supplying us with current statistics!
Best of luck to all!
District 14 Flight C GNT Sunday Aft Session June 6, 2021 Scores after 5 rounds Team Wins Score 103 4 68 Q Thomas Botten Arne Langsetmo Marc Ashton Rolf Hubmayr 106 3 60 Q Karen Bourne John Scheafer Molly Twohig Karen Fry 101 3 55 Q Susan Knauss Robert Nairn Dale Larson Beverly Berg 105 3 54 Q Penny Morton Janny Walker Elise Pechek Phillip Pechek District 14 Flight B GNT Sunday Aft Session May 23, 2021 Scores after 2 rounds Team Win Score 103 8 125 Q Diane Henson Larry Henson Mark Lasoff David Trevor 111 6 106 Q Stephanie Baumann Dan Walker James Graves David Johnson 104 5 96 Q Amy Howells Edie Siemens Matthew Duffy
Jim LaFave Cezanne Martin 109 5 89 Q Gene Brandl Del Swanson Anne Beaurivage Mary Doyle D14 GNT Flt A Semifinal Two Session June 5, 2021 Scores after 3 rounds Team Wins Score 2 2 40 Q William Voedisch Dennis Cerkvenik Jonathan Cohn Andrew Clements 1 2 37 Q Eric Hendrickson Paul Gutterman Andy Caranicas
Richard Lawson Mark Krusemeyer Robert Schachter 4 1 27 Q Deana Liddy Tracey Ball Kenneth McNary Cheryl Gorman 3 1 16 Q Betty Santa Karen Siegfried Colin Campbell Warren Nelson D14 Open Flight GNT Semi Saturday Aft Session May 22, 2021 Scores after 2 rounds Team Win Score 105 5 72 Q Michael Flader Steven Gaynor Barry Purrington Richard Newell 101 3 61 Q Bob Balderson Cynthia Balderson Terry Beckman John Koch 103 3 53 Q Tony Ames Judy Nassar Vern Swing Keith Connolly
Posted by Peg on June 10, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Congratulations to 1st Place Players - Diane & Larry Henson - Mark Lasoff - David Trevor
Our Four Qualifying Teams are Below!
2 | Diane Henson | Larry Henson | Mark Lasoff | David Trevor | A | Q | 1 | - | - | 125.00 | 125.00 | 2.16 | |
9 | Stephanie Baumann | Dan Walker | James Graves | David Johnson | A | Q | - | - | - | 106.00 | 106.00 | 1.62 | |
3 | Amy Howells | Edie Siemens | Matthew Duffy | Jim LaFave | Cezanne Martin | A | Q | - | - | - | 96.00 | 96.00 | 1.35 |
8 | Gene Brandl | Del Swanson | Anne Beaurivage | Mary Doyle | A | Q | - | - | - | 89.00 | 89.00 | 1.35 |
Final matches will take place on the weekend of June 26 & 27.
Posted by Peg on May 25, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
With the advent of Covid, many of us are aware that much of our beloved game ain't the way it usually is designed! Such is the case for District 14 GNT, 2020.
Six teams signed up to compete Saturday for GNT Open Flight. Four would survive - with those teams who qualified starting up again to select a winner in about a month. (Told you some changes this year!)
Congratulations (in order of placings) to Flader, Balderson, Ames and Cassel for qualifying - and - best of luck to all in your final matchups!
Match | Home Team | Visiting Team | IMPs | VPs | ||
Home Team | Visit. Team | Home Team | Visit. Team | |||
1 | Balderson | Liddy | 22 | 16 | 13 | 7 |
2 | Ames | Cassel | 38 | 14 | 17 | 3 |
3 | Flader | Hendrickson | 20 | 11 | 13 | 7 |
* For the team record, click on the team name
* For the match scorecard, click on the match number
• For the full Hand Record PDF(available shortly after game finishes) click here.
• For the Downloadable PBN(available shortly after game finishes) click here.
• For individual hand records, click on Match# and the on number tricks for the entire "Movie".
Posted by Peg on May 23, 2021 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dear District Presidents, District GNT Coordinators and District 14 competitors,
This year in so many ways, bridge and life are different. Our thanks to the many people who contribute to our special events, and to our many competitors who are excited to compete against their peers at a national level.
We thank you all for your contributions to our game, and we thank Brian Weikle for his detailed information about GNT in these special times. Thank you for reading what Brian has shared with us, and we hope that many of you will be able to compete in GNT.
Dear District Presidents and District GNT Coordinators,
The 2021 Grand National Teams qualifying season began September 1. Given this year's unique circumstances, we are providing this summary of important details.
Club Qualifying
Club qualifying is optional. All players who qualified at the club level during the 2019-20 season are automatically qualified for Unit and District play in 2021. Districts may choose to permit club qualifying games to qualify additional players, although we expect that most Districts will not. Such games must be team games and submitted to ACBL Live for Clubs in an ACBLscore file.
District Finals
Districts which completed their GNT Finals in 2020 may choose to send those winners to the National Final in 2021. Districts whose Finals were not completed in 2020 must hold District Finals in 2021 to qualify teams for the National Finals.
Player Eligibility
Player eligibility status is "frozen" from the 2019-20 cycle. In other words, players are eligible for the same flight they were eligible for in 2019, no matter how many masterpoints they have won in the meantime. Similarly, players are eligible to play in the District in which they lived in August 2019. Players who have moved to a new District will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Action Required (by Oct 1, 2020 please)
Determine whether your District will be permitting club qualifying games. Notify ACBL ([email protected]) and the clubs in your District.
Determine whether your District will hold District Finals in 2021, or whether the 2020 winners will represent your District at the National Finals. Notify ACBL ([email protected]) and any affected players.
If you are holding District Finals in 2021, send the dates and sites to [email protected]. Note that, as in past years, District Finals may be held online. If Finals are played face-to-face, they must be held after March 1, 2021.
Send your District's Conditions of Contest to [email protected].
2021 GNT National Finals
The GNT Finals will be played, in person, at the Summer NABC in Providence, RI.
Brian Weikle
Manager, Bridge Operations
ACBL Field Operations
CC: ACBL Board of Directors
Posted by Peg on September 04, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)
In this day and age of uncertainty about our daily lives, I want to take an opportunity to thank some of the wonderful people I have had the pleasure with whom to share this game. I for one pray for the day that I can play “Real Bridge” face to face again. I am not a fan of playing online, not so much the specter of possible cheating. Cheaters will cheat no matter the venue. I just miss the people, and the pleasure of being in a room full of players all enjoying this pastime together. Even if it is only done in pairs of two.
While the list of players I have played with is long indeed, and I have learned things from many not mentioned here. Yet I would like to publicly thank a few that I have had the pleasure of having a working partnership with over the years. So, in no particular order these players are:
Robert Schachter – A brilliant mind that not only pays attention to all the little details, but has helped me understand the importance of paying attention to the odds when other information is not available. This may seem like a simple thing But it is something that is easy (at least for me) to forget about at times.
While using my limited Math skills is important, the greatest gift that Robert has brought to our partnership is the ability to laugh off, and forget about bad results; just focus on the next hand. Again, easier said than done, for myself and I think many bridge players.
While I will not mention all of our past successes a few stand out.
2nd in the Silidor Pairs in Philadelphia 2018
Making the 3rd day of the Platinum Pairs in Philadelphia 2018
And in general - I can honestly say a slew of + scores on defense, missed by many others!
Jim Hall – A Brilliant player, that I am fortunate to have played with and from whom I learned so much. Jim had many fine attributes and skills at the bridge table, his card play, and his defensive acumen were both top-notch. Perhaps though his best gift to me was that playing with him gave me access to many fine teammates and players I might never have gotten to know. From Jim Nash, to Bill Kent, from Alan Stout to Pierre Flatowitz (Sorry Pierre I am pretty sure I am misspelling your name) and many others. I was fortunate to have many fine results playing with Jim, some of our successes that stand out are:
9th place in our first National event together. Bobby Nail Pairs 1998 in Orlando
6th place in the Blue-Ribbon Pairs. 2004 in Orlando
Just Making the 3rd day in three other Blue-Ribbon Pairs
To name a few!
Peggy Kaplan - Without a doubt the fiercest competitor I have had the pleasure of playing with. If nothing else I always knew when playing with Peg that I was going to get her all at all times. She too has bestowed upon me the gift of introducing me to players far beyond my ability. To learn from and to have the pleasure of playing against. While mostly online this list includes, Nick Nickell, Ralph Katz, George Jacobs, Claude Vogel, Steve Beatty, Walt Schafer, Richard Pavlicek and son Rich Jr, and many others. I have many fine memories of my times playing with Peg or Pegs (my nickname for her). They include:
Our first Event together. Winning the Last day Swiss at the Fall Nationals in Boston 1998. Highlighted by bidding and making 5 slams in one 7-board round against a strong Pair.
Winning our first 11 matches in the San Francisco North American Swiss 2012
Beating Meckstroth-Rodwell, Berkowitz- Cohen, Becker-Strul in the Championship Flight of the Grand National Teams Washington 2009
Among the many!
Peg Waller – One of my longer partnerships. One of the things that I learned playing with Peg, was just learning. Let me explain. While I am sure this was not intentional on her part, I always got the feeling that she never really thought that much about my skills at the bridge table. This in turn got me thinking of ways to better my play, and accelerated my learning. So, in truth I have her to thank for probably the largest growth spurt I had playing this sport. One thing stands out from my times playing with her though; she taught me to enjoy the successes at the table and to stop obsessing about the poor results. Very keen of her to spot this quirk in my personality and point it out to me, so that I could work on it!
Our successes include:
Many top finishes in National events, including commonly being in the top 20 in the National Mixed Pairs
2nd Place finish in the 0-10,000 National Swiss in Washington 2016
My first Regional Pair Win (it was a long time coming for me) Mason City sometime in the late 90’s
Bob Balderson – A fine all-around player and one of the fiercest competitors I have played with. Bob’s strength is his ability to play effectively against the opponents. Myself, and a lot of you have learned this game as one where you work in concert with your partner, as a team. Two against two in essence. Bob has the ability to do this as well as we can, but he seems to have an innate sense of knowing when he needs to take over and “play against the opponents”. Truthfully this was at times annoying. But that was my gut reaction speaking and upon reflection I came to appreciate this skill that he has. It is hard to describe but the more you play with him, the more one appreciates it.
I had many successes playing with Bob, they include:
My partner when beating Meckstroth-Rodwell, Berkowitz-Cohen, Becker-Strul in the Grand National Teams Washington 2009
Representing District 14 in the Championship Flight of the Grand National Teams, at least 10 times!
Winning many KO and Swiss events at both the Regional and Sectional level. His specialty!
Michael Lee Howland – The most remarkable thing playing with Michael was simply his remarkable smile when at the bridge table! Michael and Carole Miner share this trait, which is what makes playing with both of them truly a treat. Michael has an innate sense at the table which is hard to define (Carole Miner has this too!) I do not know what this remarkable trait is exactly but I do know that the two of them combine to create many opportunities at the table not normally seen. Let’s just say the opponents seem to make more mistakes against these two players as anyone else I have played with. I don’t really know how to describe this skill, but one thing I am sure of, is that it is not random luck. Perhaps they just create havoc!
While I played in only one National with Michael, we did play into the 2nd day of the Blue Ribbon’s and missed day 3 by just a hair.
I did win many Regional games with Michael and enjoyed them all.
And with his help and inspiration developed my own Club system. While this system is not perfect by any sense. It has something that has given me great joy and a sense of accomplishment!
Carole Miner - I have mentioned Carole previously in my tribute to Michael Lee, as they both share similar traits. I always thought they might make a great partnership. I can envision these two creating some enormous games together!
Carole too is a tough competitor, and while she can at times be tough on her partner it is always obvious that her intent is to get the most out of her game. The best part of playing with Carole though is just simply witnessing the joy she gets out of playing. It is both evident, and greatly appreciated.
While at times I have been hesitant to put some partners in what I know will be tough contracts, I never hesitate with Carole. She loves to play hands, and does it as well as any of my other partners.
Our list of successes are:
Two top 10 finishes in National Pair games. Providence 2014, St Louis 2013
My partner finishing 2nd in the National 0-10,000 Swiss
My teammate for many Grand National Team Championships including knocking off Meckstroth-Rodwell, Berkowitz-Cohen, Becker-Strul in Washington 2009.
Sharon Smith/Snell/Meerschaert – As most of the lessons I learned from this remarkable lady have nothing to do with Bridge, they are MINE and MINE alone! She did however instill in me the wonders of getting to know as many of the remarkable people that play this game as I could. While I admit to this not being one of my strengths, it is a skill I am still working on. I have her and another lady to thank for introducing me to the importance of comradeship and appreciation for others.
Alexandra/Sandy Fisher - The second wonderful addition to my life, and also the one that reminds me how remarkable the people who share a passion for this game are. Again, most of her lessons are MINE and MINE alone. While far less experienced than me she had reminded me of the power of the preempt. Watch out folks this bundle of positive energy loves to preempt. And I love to watch the havoc that ensues!
For all those partners out there that I did not mention in this short tribute, know that I remember my times with you as well and treasure them!
That’s it, I just wanted to let everyone know that despite my, at times grumpy behavior, I appreciated everyone in our bridge community and cannot wait to be able to do so again in person. Be well everyone, stay safe, and I will see you on a better day!
Comments from peanut gallery Pegs!
In Minnesota we are blessed with all sorts of players who have passion for bridge. Some have more talent than others; some are more social than fierce. Yet so many appreciate one another and literally for decades have reaped the fun and the fascination and the wonderment of our game.
Right at the head of the class is Paul - a fellow who has super talents, loves to learn, is fun is smart and has lots and lots of friends.
Thanks to Pauls for this most interesting column - and thanks to all our Minnesotans who also have the passion and love to play The Greatest Game!
Posted by Peg on August 23, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Due to continued restrictions in place across the continent due to COVID-19, both the North American Pairs and Grand National Teams events have been canceled for 2020.
With regard to the 2020-2021 NAP, the qualifiers from the 2019-2020 season will play their final in St. Louis in March 2021 and will receive their travel awards if they attend.
For the 2019-2020 GNT, districts who have completed their district finals may choose to send those teams to the National final in the summer of 2021 or may restart from scratch. Those who qualified will be eligible to play in 2021 based on their masterpoint standing at the time of the original qualifying event. This is a district option, not the ACBL’s.
We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will participate in 2021.
Stay well!
Nancy Boyd
Director of Bridge Operations
Posted by Peg on May 06, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tiny buds peek through the snow. Nature is unaware of the current changes in our world.
One of those changes is the dramatic impact Covid-19 is having on our bridge world. We are deeply hoping that bridge, like so much in life, sooner rather than later returns to some normalcy. Yet until that occurs, we are putting all of our "upcoming" tournaments and special events on hold. Don't look for them right now on our left column; not being scheduled! As soon as it is safe, however, to have our tournaments and special events, they will be up and running again.
In the meantime, we hope every single one of our Minnesota players and all their family members and friends stay safe and healthy. And we do hope that many of us can still enjoy our favorite game by playing online! If you haven't ever tried it - do so now! It is fun!
Best wishes to all ... We SHALL return one day with good news and events!
Posted by Peg on April 15, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Shared with all in District 14 from our District Director Sharon Anderson:
Motion: The 2020 NAP Finals will be held at the Montreal Summer 2020 NABC. The 2020 GNT Finals will be held at the Tampa Fall 2020 NABC. The details of the Finals, including the scheduling of those events, will be established by management at a later date.The deadline for the completion of District GNT Finals will be October 1, 2020.
Posted by Peg on March 20, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Storms have swept through the world - and bridge in Minnesota has not been spared.
As many of you know, most now (if not all) of our bridge clubs are temporarily shuttered.
The Edina IMP sectional scheduled for April is canceled. Our 2020 District 14 GNT that was scheduled in April is tentatively scheduled for May 17th and 18th.
If you are wondering about any specific events or clubs occurring and when, please first check with the club or tournament chairperson to confirm what is happening. And, if you have an event scheduled and wish to share with everyone that there is a change, do contact me. I will get the details and alert all.
These are extraordinary times. We hope that everyone is safe, being as careful as possible - and - we surely hope, too, that in the not too distant future, we can be competing and enjoying the company of all our bridge friends.
Posted by Peg on March 18, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)
The first of March, Steve Gaynor organized a GNT qualifier at the Twin City Bridge Center. Not only did competitors have the opportunity to get qualified for the GNT District 14 competition in April, they also were able to listen to a fine lesson from Steve about bidding distinctions between matchpoints and IMPS. Particularly since some of our players are earnest newer players, and (of course) GNT qualifiers are team events with IMP scoring, this was of excellent benefit. And the cherry on top (or should I say, the veggies and ham and pineapple) on PIZZA was a yummy bonus!
Following Steve's lecture, the Swiss team matches began. Leading the pack was a team we often see at the top: long time stars Cindy and Bob Balderson, Dave Collins and Carole Miner. We were thrilled to see two teams of primarily college students competing and doing well - the Curt Kristensen team (Ben's dad) with Ben from U of MN Duluth along with U of MN Twin Cities Sean and Zeren. And some of our Carleton collegiate up and coming champs, too - Jackson, Sarah, Morgan and Julia.
Note that we are also excited to see our newer Flight C players competing for GNT! Wonderful to see Helen Vagle's team and Becky Gamble's team battling away! Playing against tough competition is one of THE finest ways to learn - so kudos to them for their showings on Sunday!
Big thanks to Teri and Chip Blu, Twin City Bridge Center owners, for hosting Sunday's qualifier. Cool to see one of our finest directors around, too - Tony Ames. Tony will be directing the GNT District 14 event in April. Lucky us!
Q 1 2.40R Cindy Balderson - Bob Balderson Jr - David Collins - Carole Miner
Q 2 1.80R Curt Kristensen - Ben Kristensen - Sean McNally - Zeren Shui
Q 0.46R Jackson Wahl - Sarah Emmons - Morgan Johnstone - Julia White
Q 0.46R Helen Vagle - Ruth Brunelle - Beverly Meyer - Peter Bock
0.23R Becky Gamble - Rich Gamble - Nora Walker - Stan Jurgensen
Alexandra Muller - Leslie Hayashida - Cass Weil - Tom Sneed
Posted by Peg on March 05, 2020 | Permalink | Comments (0)