Keith Reports the Ups and Downs of Bridge
The best experience I had during the recently ended Gopher Regional was seeing all the people I have played with, and against, in one place, and face to face. The social aspect of our game is very important to me, not to mention that it is impossible to feel ‘table presence’ when you play online.
While chatting up all these old friends, one question kept getting repeated. “Keith” I heard, “ What is the status of the Grand National Teams?” So I will tell it to you here, so that everyone will know, that there is good news and there is bad news.
First the bad news. There were so few teams registered for the Grand National Teams this year that a semifinal wasn’t necessary to cut down on the field. That is not the sort of news I like to relate. I think that team games are a true test of bridge skill. It always amazes me that people who compete in pairs games are unwilling to test their mettle in the team arena. Just like you trust your partner in a pairs game, you trust your teammates in a team game, to help you best the opponents over a set number of boards. Team games are fun! You don’t need individual heroics to save a match, you can count on your teammates to salvage a push. And you don’t need to berate yourself or your partner when things go south, all four of you can share responsibility for a bad result! So you have many opportunities to show your character.
But how about the good news? Well, the good news is related to the bad news. Because so few teams registered for the GNT semifinals, there is opportunity for more teams to enter before the finals commence on Saturday, June 18. We have openings for two Flight A teams to enter, and one more Flight C team. The Open Flight and the B Flight both have 4 teams registered, and these teams will face off that Saturday to determine the two teams to play for entry to the Nationals in Providence, Rhode Island.
The Director in Charge, Kimberly Hayward, has informed me that she will accept 3 more teams, on a first-come, first-entered system, to fill out the ‘A’ and ‘C’ flights.
Here is an abbreviated version of the Conditions of Contest, for anyone who wishes to attempt to win a subsidized trip to the Nationals to play for District 14. Players should know that there are subsidies from the Units to help you get to the Nationals, and you will have free entry to the GNT sessions.
The Providence NABC starts on July 13, 2022
Strata are determined by your Sept.1, 2021 master point total, so any points earned after that date will not affect your eligibility for a flight.
Flight A no more than 6000 masterpoints
Flight C must be a non life master under 500 masterpoints
Players must be paid up ACBL members with principle residence in District14 as of a year previous to Sept.1
A player must have played in a qualifying team game during the September through March qualification period (or the Unit 178 Last Chance Qualifier in May)
Are You Qualified? To find out: check this link
Or: Go to the ACBL main page
Go down to Club Corner
Go down to Special Events
Go over to GNT COC/Qualifiers
Under GNT Qualifiers click on District 14
Any questions contact Keith Thompson, Unit 103 GNT Coordinator [email protected]
If you have a team of qualified players, this is what you do next:
Teams need to register at their earliest convenience as this is first-come, first-entered. Please register by emailing names, emails and BBO names for all players to [email protected]. Each team will pay a fee of $60 for the first day of the finals in June, and the two final teams $60 for the final. These fees are payable to District 14 GNT and should be mailed c/o Kimberly Hayward, Bridge Center of St Paul, 2603 6th Ave E, N St Paul, MN 55109.
The Finals to determine each flight's representation for the NABC will take place on the weekend of June 18 and 19, with two 26-board segments between the contending teams on Saturday to determine the two teams which will compete on Sunday.
The winner of the finals of each event will represent District 14 in Providence, RI at the NABC July 13- 17.
Good luck to all!