Rush's laughter is reverberating all the way up north to Minnesota!
This is liberal radio.....
Randi: Ralph, let me tell you something. I have probably, you know, millions and millions of listeners. I've been on for years and years and years. Which you may not know because you didn't do your homework. But the truth of the matter is, they don't want you to run either! Even your, your Green party supporters, they can't afford you! That's why the Green party is not endorsing your candidacy and you've become an independent! We can't afford you Ralph! Now, if you want to do a little horse trading, that would be smart politics. And if you wanted to be a kingmaker, meaning, you ran for a while and then you turned over your voters and you endorsed Kerry, and said to Kerry, ``you know you need a guy like me. You neeed a guy like me on [name your policy that you're most passionate about]'', and go fix it, and then, four years from now, you'll find out what the Democrats have know for -- for ten years, and that is: they're in the minority in Congress, and they can't vote out appropriations bills because they don't have line-item veto outta a Democratic president's hand. They can't vote out these pork projects; they can't vote out the stealing of the treasury, the underfunding of education, the underfunding of medicare. C'mon, you know this!
Nader: Welll, since you're filibustering, you should've mentioned that the Senate and the Democrats could've filibustered a lot of these things and blocked them. Filibustering is a tool that the Republicans know how to use better than the Democrats. They --
Randi: They filibustered a couple of judges and looked what happened.
Nader: yes. and by the way you're ---
Randi: Look what happened! During the recess they put 'em in --
Nader: -- are you interviewing? are you a show host? are you interviewing? or are you filibustering? Do you want to give me a chance to --
Randi: -- no, I'm angry at you! --
Nader: -- wait wait! Is this the way --
Randi: -- I'm angry at you! I'm a genuine person who's really mad at your candidacy!
Nader: Well, why are you denying millions of people the opportunity to vote for my candidacy --
Randi: Because. We. Can't. Afford. It.
Nader: -- how arrogant, how arrogant can you be? --
Randi: I'm not arrogant, I'm a patriot! I -- we can't afford you, and real patriots have to stand up and question your candidacy!
Nader: Wait a minute! wait a minute. Why are you denying millions of Americans an opportunity to have more choice --
Randi: Because.... how many ways to Sunday do I have to tell you. We can't afford you.
Nader: I'm sorry, Can you afford freedom? Can you afford choice? Can you afford civil liberties? --
Randi: Gimmie a Democrat President!
Nader: -- can you -- is this the way you want to start Air America? You want it to be Hot Air America?
Posted by: Joseph | Saturday, April 03, 2004 at 09:55 PM
Why are you surprised that some "liberals" will do anything to achieve what they want? For them it is no longer a question of lying but of being abusive and even aggresive or even worst. You have to accept that some hate you (and Nader and anyone that may prevent them to achieve what they want). The question is how to respond to them. Look at what happened in Spain, not on Thursday, 3/11, but on Saturday, 3/13, the day before the election. You should be ready to stop them, but again the question is how best to do it. I hope in the next few weeks the discussion focuses on the response to the new strategies of our enemies.
Posted by: Edgardo | Sunday, April 04, 2004 at 07:02 AM