The liberal elite Lefties will need far more evidence than the mere attempted manipulation of an election by using column after column of clearly false material to ever remove the worshiped Gray Lady from holy status.
For the rest of us, however, standards might not be quite so high. (Or should I have said "low"?)
Want to read the best round-ups on how the New York Times continues to hit iceberg after iceberg? Check out here and here.
Bill Gertz of the Wash Times has a bombshell tonight, although I can't say it truly shocks me. Jayson Blair did me a favor. I don't trust the NYT anymore the way I did for fifty-some years of my life. Anyway, Gertz corroborates what we all know - the Times story of missing explosives was jerry-rigged propaganda concocted to make the president look bad and get Kerry elected. How could it have been otherwise? Obviously, the Times didn't do the slightest bit of research on the matter. They just rushed the story out. Otherwise they might have found out what Gertz did - that the explosives were "almost certainly" moved before the war (logical, isn't it?) and that Russian intelligence helped Saddam do it. This too is no surprise because anyone following the Iraq War story reasonably closely knows that the Russians were deeply enmeshed with the Iraqi mukhabarat at that time.