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John Pepple

This together with many similar incidents is all pretty strange. During the period that I was a more or less orthodox leftist, my view of Muslims underwent a huge change after I saw how Muslims dealt with leftists after the Iranian revolution. This was followed by the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, and if I had any doubts, the murder of Theo van Gogh.

From all this I inferred that these people were on the right, a right that was much further to the right than George Bush. And since Hamas is closely allied with Iran, I see them as on the far right, too.

Yet, the left acts as though these people are somehow on the left. Exactly what leftist credentials they have is never mentioned. It just seems to be enough for most leftists that they are against the U.S. and Israel. For me, it's not enough. I want to see how they treat women and gays for starters.

And for those who accuse me of Islamophobia, I'll be happy to change my mind, but only when the Muslims running Iran give up power to secular leftists.

As if that would ever happen.

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